Tell us about you & your dog! This will help us understand you & your dogs needs better. We will contact you once we receive your information. First Name Last Name Email Address Phone Number Street Address Street Address Line 2 City State/Province Postal / Zip Code Dog's Name Dog's Age Dog's Sex Dog's SexMaleFemale Dog Breed Is this your first dog? Is this your first dog?YesNo Medical History (if any) How old was your dog when you got him/her? What does a typical day look like for you & your dog? What are the specific behavioral issues you are experiencing with your dog? How many people live in your home? How are the relationships between those people & the dog? How does your dog react towards strangers? How does your dog react towards other dogs? How does your dog behave around food/toys/bones? Has your dog bitten a person and/or another dog? Is your dog "crate trained"? How does your dog act when crated? Where does your dog sleep at night? Has your dog ever broken out of a crate? Has your dog ever broken out of a crate?YesNo Do you use an invisible fence or other electronic containment at home? What are the most frustrating behaviors you are having with your dog? What are your training goals with your dog? What services are you interested in? What services are you interested in?Board & TrainPrivate SessionsGroup SessionsOther How did you hear about our program? Are you familiar with our programs & methods? Are you familiar with our programs & methods?YesNo Anything else you would like us to know about you or your dog? 4 + 4 = Submit